Contact me if you want to book a workshop for your coworkers, a group of friends, association or other.
Recommended for anyone with feet!
Do you recognize any of the following?
- Foot pain or problems such as hallux valgus, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis
- Pain/stiffness in ankles, knees, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders – body problems that may be foot-related
- No foot pain but wants to prevent problems by optimizing foot health and creating a good foundation for a stronger, more mobile and more functional body.
Many people say that it is too late to improve their health or that their feet have looked ‘like this’ for so long that it cannot be changed. But it is wrong. The state of your feet right now is usually a reflection of everything you have done up until now.
Our body is made for movement but things like foot problems or pain/stiffness in e.g. knees, hips, lower back can make it difficult. Foot problems affect your knees and hips, your ability to walk, move, exercise, and ultimately your ability to live as a mobile and independent person. Fortunately, most things can be changed – the body is amazing at adapting – for better or worse.
The foot is involved in virtually every non-sitting activity we do. If we want to stay upright and active, we need to know more about our feet!
Specific foot problems vary, but generally speaking, any foot problem interferes with the whole body’s ability to function optimally. There is almost no human movement that does not involve the foot. Regardless of the current status of your feet, you can improve how you move and thereby improve how you feel.
Do you want to explore how your feet affect (and are affected by) the rest of your body and how you can strengthen both them and you – from the ground up – long-term and sustainably? We’ll explore areas that you might not be familiar with and we promise a few laughs.
Worth thinking about: what you don’t use, you lose.