The massage relieves and counteracts muscle tension and is aimed at preventing problems or treating direct problems such as tension headaches / migraines, stiff, tired, sore back / legs / shoulders, neck pain, tennis elbow. I customize the treatment according to your needs and wishes where I use several different techniques such as Refit, deep massage, trigger point treatment, muscle stretching and home exercises. Read more about Massage/Refit.
Jaw joint treatment
Do you recognize the following symptoms?
- Tension headache
- Pain in the jaw
- Difficulty opening your mouth
- Bites together
- Pressing the tongue
- Tinnitus
- Clenching of the jaw joint
- Pain in the neck
Read more about Jaw joint treatment.
Tinnitus treatment
A specific form of massage aimed at releasing the muscular tension that often causes and amplifies tinnitus. Read more about Tinnitus treatment.
The Lotorp method
An excellent treatment for those with respiratory problems. Read more about The Lotorp method.