The Lotorp method
Thoracic mobilization/respiratory massage
An excellent treatment for those with respiratory problems.
The Lotorp method is a specific massage therapy that focuses on the treatment of breathing-related problems such as
- Asthma-like problems
- asthma
- Hosta
- Fragrance allergy
- Perfume allergy
- Hesitation/mucus
- Heavy/difficult to breathe
- Stressed breathing
It is estimated that 10-20% of the Swedish population suffers to some extent from respiratory problems. The Lotorp method is the first of its kind as an effective treatment. The results of a scientific study conducted at Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg showed that 93% of patients improved after 3 treatments with the Lotorp method.
Thoracic mobilization using the Lotors method treats the respiratory muscles with massage to increase the mobility of the chest. To teach the client how to breathe better, breathing exercises are included which, with regular practice, provide a good breathing technique and often an immediate relief and improvement.